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Filip Kovačević: The Geopolitics of the Balkans

Posted on Jul 10, 2015 by in Podcast |

Dr. Filip Kovačević and I discuss the current geopolitics of the Balkans, the strategy of US-NATO-EU towards the region and we examine country by country, including Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia, how they are managing to keep the former Yugoslavia under their control. Sparks of resistance do exist in the Greek Syriza as well as one anti-imperialist Croatian former presidential candidate who came out of nowhere and won 16.5% of the vote.

About the Guest

Filip Kovačević is a geopolitical author, university professor and the chairman of the Movement for Neutrality of Montenegro. He received his BA and PhD in political science in the US and was a visiting professor at St. Petersburg State University in Russia for two years. He is the author of seven books, dozens of academic articles & conference presentations and hundreds of newspaper columns and media commentaries. He has been invited to lecture throughout the EU, Balkans, ex-USSR and the US. His other blogs are Critical Geopolitics: Open Source Investigations and Otpor & Pobuna: Protiv sile i nepravde (in Montenegrin). He can be contacted at [email protected]

Filip Kovačević Website

Filip Kovačević Books

Related Links

The Breakdown in NATO’s Balkan Expansion Strategy: The Case of Montenegro

*Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens Jig” by “Musicke & Mirth” from their album “Music for Two Lyra Viols”: (available on iTunes or Amazon)